Wednesday 26 August 2009

Review On Silent Hill

Hey thanks to everyone who visited my website. This week I'm talking about my favourite films.

I think that Silent Hill is one of the best game-to-film movies ever as it keeps very close to the games. If you own or rent the DVD check out the special features and I'm sure you'll be very surprised at what went into it eg the scene with the giant blade wasn't CGI!

The story starts with Sharon having nightmares about the town of Silent Hill. So Rose decides to take her daughter to the town to get some answers.
Unfortunately, Rose has a car accident and wakes to find her daughter's missing (like Harry and Cheryl frm SH1)

And on the quest she goes to find her daughter, meets some spooked out characters, has some battles with monsters to its climatical ending.

What I love about this movie is they have pretty much all the elements of the games the fog,the characters, the music, monsters etc they've even used an old film effect during flash backs.

What I hate is when people diss this film, mainly film critics, who may have never played the game (how will they really understand a game based film if they haven't sat down to see what it's all about?) or have very little time, not slept well, or been rushed, for films like this.

I am a  Very big SH fan and if it was that bad, I would have literally cried, but I left the cinema with a smile in my heart. I also bought the DVD.

The only thing I find strange is that Dahlia Gillespis' too tame, she needs to be more deranged like in the game. I want to see another Silent Hill film made I am also looking for the Project Zero film to be made. I know that it's in the process, but heard very little about it.

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