Friday 25 October 2019

Time to Stop Dwelling , time to Kick Ass!!

Okay people listen up, I am probably gonna get some stick for this but who gives a feck. . Mental illness and Anxiety are monsters... Feed em depression, negative things and they will grow. When we talk about it without doing anything, they still become powerfull. When we talk about things that have happened, it just reminds us, we remember eh. We need to cut down on talks of depressing stuff, need to stop posting depressing and negative stuff. It brings every one else down. Hundreds of people posting they are suicidal and depressed. When friends try help and not getting anywhere... They get stressed and depressed. Is that fair? There are people who REALLY need people, but the urgent get sent to the back. They might kill themselves. Could something of been done? YES!! the poster coulda thought "Well I wont kill myself , but I can ask whens the  best to talk". If thats all you can post...maybe dont be on Social Media, go enjoy the world!! Find stuff you love and PUSH yourself to do it. You will be like urgh at first, because your brain's making you its bitch. You need to be in control of it, not it in control of you!!
STOP relying on friends, be a man or a woman or what every you are, be come
Independant! Become strong! You will surprise yourself cause those you rely won't be around forever, they got their own shit deal with. If you keep hampering them with your problems, they are going to get seriously ill. Is that a friend? NO! You are making them ill, you are exhausting them mentally and physically. TALK IS OVER, action is required, mend yourself. Is this to anyone specific, NO! I am talking to the world! Talking to everyone I love cause I am so sick of seeing them down, sick of them being depressed and going nowhere. Something need to be done. Your friends can help support you, just dont continuous hamper them. Folks have sleep issues too, so their brains arent at full copacity. Less talk, more action push yourself, if your friends love you they will kick your ass, kick it in gear! Find fun stuff Game, read, make something (not a baby cause that becomes expensive and not poop either). Come on do you all want to stay in this rut, wanna stay depressed for the rest of your life. I used to fear telling people what to do, but if it helps, I am telling you what to do. If you are HAPPY being depressed, great, just dont bitch aboot it eh. Whaaaat? I dont understand the difficulties?  I AM SICK OF THE SHIT, SICK OF THE HUMILIATION, SICK OF GROVELLING FOR MONEY, SICK OF THE CONFUSION SESSIONS, SICK OF THE PAINFUL TICKS WITH MY NECK AND CANT DEAL WITH THINGS CAUSE MY BRAIN DOESNT WORK RIGHT AND THE FREAKING ITCHES INSIDE MY HEAD THAT I CANT SCRATCH WHEN REALLY WORKING MY BRAIN OR GETTING STRESSED. *Sigh*yeah I dont know the difficulties right. I am making the best of things til my final day... Enjoying what games, movies, I can, dreaming of becoming a Canadian citizen, hoping. Hoping I can get somewhere with 3D, 3D animation, VFX, Video Editing... BUT I WONT GET ANYWHERE SITTING ON MY FECKING ASS. If you are afraid, keep pushing, if you are too afraid and let depression take over.... Simply... give up on your dream, as you didn't want to get anywhere really. Even if you dont get anywhere, you tried and have experience. Keep trying. Cant want anything that bad if you let things get in your way. Also, stop being sensitive. Teach others to be less sensitive too. Just waft offence away, gasp and laugh aboot it eh. If its a kid or animal being hurt then yeah get upset.

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